The Casey Trust was started in 1996 to support projects exclusively for children throughout the world. Its first venture was to establish, in conjunction with PLAN International, the first major street children project in northern Vietnam, providing education, health care and work skills. This Hanoi-based scheme proved so successful that it has been taken as a template for similar operations in the area. A thriving Child Helpline was also successfully set up. Other grants have empowered children in many other countries, Romania, Sudan, India, Nepal, Senegal, Honduras, Belarus and many more. In Malawi, under the auspices of the World Medical Fund, a 10-ton ex-Army truck was transformed into the first Mobile Surgical operating theatre in Africa, able to carry out procedures on children in the most remote rural areas. In Uganda a small school for deaf children has been supported in association with Deafway. The Trust has also backed numerous other projects both large and small in the UK. The Trust works with established UK charities only and meets regularly throughout the year. Increasingly, the focus is on startup or bold new initiatives that might not have happened without their participation. For more information, select headings at the top of this page.